Namen Ruud & Elvira
Datum terugkomst: zaterdag 10 juli 2010
- Landen bezocht:
- 🇦🇳 Nederlandse Antillen
- 🇦🇷 Argentinië
- 🇧🇴 Bolivia
- 🇧🇷 Brazilië
- 🇧🇿 Belize
- 🇨🇱 Chili
- 🇨🇴 Colombia
- 🇨🇷 Costa Rica
- 🇪🇨 Ecuador
- 🇫🇷 Frankrijk
- 🇬🇹 Guatemala
- 🇲🇽 Mexico
- 🇳🇮 Nicaragua
- 🇳🇱 Nederland
- 🇵🇦 Panama
- 🇵🇪 Peru
- 🇸🇻 El Salvador
- 🇻🇪 Venezuela
Over ons/onze reis
Finally, after a stressful period of working on our master thesis, we decided to take some time to relax... and that's gonna be 7 months of travelling!!
Ruud's longs almost ruined the plans, but after 8 weeks of revalidation, 0 cigarettes and 14 hours sleep per day, he is healthy enough to start the trip.
We hope you'll enjoy our travel blog and become a little bit jealous of our amazing trip. Our trip will start in Rio de Janeiro on the 9th of November 2009 and our return is planned on the 10th of July 2010 from Mexico City !
So sit back and relax, we'll do the same on the other side of the world ;-)
The rest of the stories (verhalen) will be written in Dutch, Google translate will do the rest for the foreign people :P
If you really miss us or just want to say something, you can always text on our dutch phone number 00316 45598370
Ruud & Elvira